Career, Lifestyle, and Spiritual Development : Work, Purpose, Calling, and God (9781516510474)

Career, Lifestyle, and Spiritual Development: Work, Purpose, Calling, and God is designed to help counselors-in-training develop the knowledge required to help career counseling clients understand how work and other life roles are connected to their individual purpose and spiritual life.

The book is divided into five sections with each chapter written by a key expert in the field, providing readers with diverse professional viewpoints. Section 1 introduces students to the history of work from scriptural and secular perspectives, discusses ethical practices, and outlines how to conduct a client assessment. Section 2 discusses major career counseling theories and theorists and includes a chapter dedicated to spiritual approaches to career counseling. In Section 3, students learn how to help clients discover vocational strengths and set meaningful career goals. Sections 4 and 5 focus on counseling diverse populations and meeting the unique needs of clients. The text employs Biblical scripture, case studies, counseling theory, personal accounts, and activities to reinforce learnings.

Career, Lifestyle, and Spiritual Development is ideal for courses in career or pastoral counseling, lifestyle development, and human services, especially those offered at faith-based institutions. The book contains all the information required for use in a CACREP-accredited counseling program.

Product details

  • Paperback | 432 pages
  • 152 x 229 x 22.35mm | 633g
  • San Diego, United States
  • English
  • 151651047X
  • 9781516510474

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