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Results Strangers in Our Midst: The Political Philosophy of Immigration

Strangers in Our Midst The Political Philosophy of ~ “Strangers in Our Midst is not a handbook of political solutions nor a roadmap to equitable immigration policies Rather it is a work of political and moral theory…Miller is most useful not in proposing answers to which everyone will subscribe but in proposing questions in such a way and within such a context that there can be common moral ground among those who disagree on specifics and thus an improved prospect of progress toward workable and effective solutions”

Strangers in Our Midst The Political Philosophy of ~ Strangers in Our Midst is a lucid succinct and accessible statement of his views on this important topic” ―Joseph Carens University of Toronto “A cool dissection of some of the main moral issues surrounding immigration and worth reading for its introductory chapter alone Moreover unlike many progressive intellectuals

Strangers in Our Midst — David Miller Harvard University ~ Seeking to balance the rights of immigrants with the legitimate concerns of citizens Strangers in Our Midst brings a bracing dose of realism to this debate David Miller defends the right of democratic states to control their borders and decide upon the future size shape and cultural makeup of their populations

Strangers in Our Midst The Political Philosophy of ~ David Miller’s analysis reframes immigration as a question of political philosophy Acknowledging the impact on host countries he defends the right of states to control their borders and decide the future size shape and cultural makeup of their populations

Strangers in Our Midst The Political Philosophy of ~ Seeking to balance the rights of immigrants with the legitimate concerns of citizens Strangers in Our Midst brings a bracing dose of realism to this debate David Miller defends the right of democratic states to control their borders and decide upon the future size shape and cultural makeup of their populations

Strangers in Our Midst The Political Philosophy of ~ “David Miller is one of the world’s leading political philosophers and an expert on immigration Strangers in Our Midst is a lucid succinct and accessible statement of his views on this important topic”―Joseph Carens University of Toronto

Strangers in our midst The political philosophy of ~ The ‘strangers in our midst’ are immigrants and refugees that do not yet and may or may not get to officially join the country by being permitted to enter our political community and share in our national identity

Strangers in Our Midst The Political Philosophy of ~ Of course states already exercise the right to restrict immigration but it is political philosophy’s job to determine whether they ought to have it In the last few decades many political philosophers have argued that they ought not

Book Review Strangers in Our Midst The Political ~ David Miller is one of the most influential and articulate defenders of broad state rights to exclude immigrants according to community goals and preferences Strangers in Our Midst is a continuation of his earlier work on liberal nationalism developing its implications for a political philosophy of immigration

Deep Thinking About Immigration The New York Times ~ On the case is the political philosopher David Miller His timely book STRANGERS IN OUR MIDST The Political Philosophy of Immigration Harvard University 35 may not be the first treatise of
