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Results Provincial Patriots: The Hunanese and Modern China
Provincial Patriots The Hunanese and Modern China ~ Engagingly written Provincial Patriots presents Hunan not as a case study of modern Chinese history but as a challenge to the standard narrative of this history Paul A Cohen Harvard University Stephen Platt has oriented the history of Chinese nationalism in a provocative new direction
Provincial Patriots The Hunanese and Modern China by ~ Hunanese played with various ideas of Hunanese selfgovernance including an autonomous province a Chinese federation and even total independence The idea of Hunanese as a race died in the end but throughout the process Hunanese elites had huge influence on China
Provincial Patriots — Stephen R Platt Harvard ~ By putting provincial Hunan at the center of this narrative Platt uncovers an unexpected and surprising story of modern China that sheds light on the current resurgence of regionalism in the country
Provincial Patriots The Hunanese and Modern China ~ Indeed in the case of Hunan loyalty provincial identity has even contributed to greater national loyalty The Hunanese led most of the efforts to modernize China It was a Hunanese regional army that suppressed the Taiping Rebellion and the Hunanese were more active than even Sun Yatsen was in organizing the 1911 Chinese Revolution
Provincial Patriots The Hunanese and Modern China ~ Piatt Stephen R Provincial Patriots The Hunanese and Modern China Cambridge Harvard University Press 2007 viii 278pp 4995 ISBN 9780674026650 When the Qing dynasty collapsed in 1911 it was not a foregone conclusion that China would reemerge at some point as a centralized bureaucratic empire Scholars of Chinese
Provincial patriots the Hunanese and modern China Book ~ Provincial patriots the Hunanese and modern China Stephen R Platt Covering a span of eight decades this book portrays three generations of Hunanese scholaractivists who held their provincial loyalties above their allegiances to a questionable Chinese empire
Provincial Patriots The Hunanese and Modern China ~ By putting provincial Hunan at the center of this narrative Platt uncovers an unexpected and surprising story of modern China that sheds light on the current resurgence of regionalism in the country
Provincial Patriots The Hunanese and Modern China ~ Hunanese identity through the shared military experiences of soldiers Subsequent generations including Guo Songtao China’s first minister to England and Tan Sitong a leader of the Hundred Day Reforms of 1898 used their national positions in turn to promote the cult of Wang and by extension the cause of Hunanese nationalism
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